Rivers and Meadows Both With Big Tourneys Tomorrow

Rivers and Meadows Casino will both be holding rather large buy-in tournaments tomorrow, Saturday, the 4th.  The Rivers one is for$550 if I am not mistaken and the Meadows one is for $330.  The Meadows tournament is also hosted by ESPN Radio, so expect a larger turnout for that one. 

I wanted to play the Meadows tournament, but I didn’t have as profitable of a week as I would have preferred, so it is better I protect my bankroll right now rather than take a tourney shot with 1/5 of my bankroll.  Hopefully I can keep building the roll though and be taking some shots at some larger buy-in tournaments down the road.  Best of luck to those that do play though.

Meadows Tournament Information

Well, here is some info that was posted on the Meadows 2+2 information.  I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the information, but I doubt the user is just posting flagrantly false info.  Call it hypocritical that I haven’t been to the room yet and I am posting this, but I thought it may be helpful to some who may not otherwise come across it. 

Per 2+2 user “Jons64gm”

The rake on tourneys is as follows:

$40 (30 +10)
$65 (50+15)
$120 (100+20)
$225 (200+25)

SNG rakes:
$65 (50+15)
$117 (100+17)

7 card stud is $50 (40+10)

These rakes are pretty much standard in the industry for low limit buy-ins.

The payout on today’s $40 tourney with 42 players was:

1st $567
2nd $315
3rd $189
4th $118
5th $ 76

Blind structure for low limits (40 and 65 tourneys):
18 minute levels
Starting chips 4000 and 5000 with 1000 dealer add on
level small big ante
1 25 50 –
2 50 100 –
3 100 200 –
4 100 200 25
5 200 400 50
10 min break
6 400 800 100
7 600 1200 200
8 800 1600 300
9 1000 2000 300
10 1500 3000 500
10 min break
11 2000 4000 500
12 3000 6000 1000
13 4000 8000 1000
14 6000 12000 2000
10 min break

The tourney today went to the 13th level and ended about 2:45pm

Grinding, Grinding, Grinding

Well, today’s poker session was a complete grind.  Last night, I had a great night, playing 1/3, 2/5, and even sampling 5/10 for the first time.  However, the session this morning was the complete opposite.  I get seated at the only table running, which is a 1/3 table.  It has two maniacs at it and they are driving the action at the table to make it look like a 2/5 game.  One maniac is crazier than the other one and unfortunately he rivered me.  Almost to be expected.  Such a sick hand though as I call a $10 raise with 5-6 and the flop comes 5-5-7.  After a series of bets, I am all-in with the manic as I am never folding here to him as his range is ATC (any two cards).  The turn and river both appeared to be safe cards until V flipped over 5-2 for the boat on the two that hit the river.  Granted, we are most likely chopping, but I would take a chop over a beat like that any day of the week. 

Once the 2/5 table opened up, I took a seat and proceed to make the sucker end of the straight against a Villain who was betting like he had the top end.  To any other villain I probably push, but this older gentlemen was a regular player and he didn’t seem like the gambling/bluffing type.  I questioned my fold to his $250 raise to my $120 bet on a 4-5-6-Q board with two spades, but I eventually folded.  A few players commented that he did not have it and was probably making the bet with two pair.  They stated they played with him often and he makes those moves frequently.  Well, those two players busted out within the next 2 hours, while I steadily grinded.  The one gentlemen to my right, who was good friends with the Villain in question, and a guy whose opinion I respect greatly, said that the Villain told him after than hand that he had the top end and can’t believe I didn’t call. 

Needless to say, I lived to fight another flop and eventually grind my way back to even on the day.  My mind was cooked after that session and completely destroyed my plans for a good profit on a friday afternoon, but one will have those days at the tables.  I am just pleased that I have improved my patience to the point where I don’t push my last $200 on some top pair garbage kicker because I am tilted. 

I still have yet to make it to the Meadows, but I keep hearing the action is sub-par to the Rivers and this is a great deterrent for myself.  Although, according to the Meadows 2+2 thread, the poker room there will start running some daily tournaments.  The Rivers is definitely lacking in this department although I talked to the floor and he said they have a day picked out where they plan to start running them.  The problem with the Rivers is that they will only be doing morning tournaments because they don’t want to limit the amount of cash games they can run just to make tournaments available.  Word is that they have applied to the state for the ability to add additional tournament tables. 

I took a walk around the casino after my session and I was shocked at just how packed the table games were at 3 in the afternoon on a Friday.  I really shouldn’t be shocked, as I myself was a table games player only a year ago.  But, I have kicked that negative EV habit and it was definitely one of the best things I have ever done for myself.  A s I was walking around though I couldn’t help but laugh at this one older woman who has a huge blonde afro.   I mean this thing is huge and truly sticks out there.   I have seen her on numerous occasions and the sight of her always brings a smile to my face.  I plan on snapping a good pic of her one day, but every time I try to sheer size of the afro throws my phone camera way out of focus.  Tomorrow is a much needed off day of poker for me, but I plan on making some big headway on Sunday as my profit for the week is not exactly where I’d like it to be.

Back With A Vengeance

Well, now that the bar exam is behind me, I am able to resume my poker playing.  Not only am I able to resume it part time, I will finally be able to see how my skills hold up full time.  I currently have no responsibilities as far as school/job wise and am able to focus my entire energy on poker.  I think this will only serve to help my game, and I fully expect my numbers to show.  

I have been able to put in two successful sessions in the past two days, both at the Rivers.  I have yet to visit the Meadows, although I plan to do so very soon.  As far as the Rivers goes, I am able to put in an updated review and this is what I have noticed.  

Floor:  The floor has become much more acclimated with the action of the room and they appear to be moving the lists much more quickly.  The Bravo system does not appear to running smoothly just quite yet, although I did not have more than a 20 minute wait during peak hours on Sunday or Saturday this past weekend.  

Dealers:  The dealers have shown marked improvement, although there still is a lot to be desired.  Although, in the te couple of weeks, I have noticed a consistent upgrade in the amount of mistakes, hand reading, personality, etc.  

Action:  The action in the room is still top notch.  Granted, nothing could have been much fishier than the first week, but I have yet to sit down at a table and not notice at least 3 easy marks.  

Drink Service:  To be honest, I think it has actually gotten worse.  I noticed two waitresses only during the peak hours of both Saturday and Sunday of this past weekend.  If there were more, they were nowhere to be seen and this is clearly a problem.  

Cage:  I have to commend the cashiers at the cage for moving much more quickly in cashing in/out players and have yet to stand in a line of more than 2 people, which is a drastic improvement over what was taking place during the opening week.  

Bad Beat:  The Rivers has begun a bad beat jackpot.  I am not certain of the qualifying hands, but I believe I heard Aces Full beaten by quads or better, both players holding pocket pairs and the boat holding pocket aces.  Don’t quote me on this though as I didn’t check myself.  I did notice that they are awarding jackpots for high hands, including straight flushes and four of a kind 10’s – Aces.  I like the addition of the high hands to the bad beat jackpot. 

Well, I’m going to stop my comments here, as I have some other postings to make on various websites.  I plan to review Meadows this week and I am going to keep an open mind, but they are going to have to do a lot to make me a customer over Rivers.

Behind The Ball at Rivers Poker Room

Well, I was really behind the ball on the “soft” opening of the Rivers poker room. Apparently, the test night at Rivers “invitation only” did not apply to the poker room. Therefore, I could have went down and played a little poker myself.

Anyway, from my reading of the 2+2 poker room thread, the rake is going to be 10% up to $5. Rivers is also going to spread 1/3 with $100 min $300 max. This is great news to me and will actually make the 1/3 play much better than 1/2 with small min buy-ins. I will confirm all these buy-ins when I go down and play on Thursday.

Anyway, one user commented that the Rivers has no betting line and it may be a bit confusing on how they are going to handle forward action. I am sure they will sort it out in due course once the room is up and running.

So, in little more than 24 hours, I will be playing poker in my new and only room at the Rivers casino. I can’t wait. I can only hope my flailing bankroll will become rebusto again and I am able to get on the good side of variance.

On a side note, I actually had an available invite to the Meadows fall into my lap late this afternoon, but I ended up not going as it was right around rush hour and just could not face the traffic. Slacking on my duties I know, but knowing that poker will be 24/7 is some solace and allows me to have patience.

The Independence Day of Pittsburgh Poker

Well, we are now three days away from the arrival of casino poker in Pittsburgh. No longer is it necessary to play in firehalls, VFW’s, or the occasional strange building. Soon we will have a temperature controlled, dedicated cage, drink serviced, asset protected casino poker room. The best part about it is the fact that it is effectively on demand. No longer must one wait for the local game to get together. If you feel like playing at 1 in the afternoon, there will be a game going. Additionally, there will not longer be that unpleasant one hour drive to the WV casinos. I can’t recall how many times I wanted to play some hands, but thought to myslef, I just can’t handle that drive today.

I went down to the Rivers casino the other day and when I looked at the poker room, I was thoroughly impressed. I took some pictures, but the low light of the casino basically made them unpostable. Anyway, the poker room is conveniently located almost immediately to the left of the parking garage elevators. That means one thing: easy access. Additionally, the room is seperated by three walls from the rest of the casino and just the front is open to view from the casino. So, for those who are worried, there will be plenty of occasional passer-bys who decide to sit down for some hands of poker. The casino did an excellent job and I am very impressed. I can only hope that they did as good of a job staffing the poker room. I have not seen pictures or visited the Meadows poker room, but I must say that they will have to finished it quite well in order to top the Rivers poker room. I will reserve my verdict until I have played in both rooms though.

Anyway, test day for both casinos is tomorrow, July 6th. If everything goes well, which everyone assumes it will, we will be playing poker the morning of the 8th. In fact, the Rivers stated that they would be opening their table games on July 8th at 6 A.M. if all goes well. See you there.

Degenerate….Regulation Reader? Casino Chips and More!

Ehh…I was bored the other night, so I found myself scouring all of the Pa Gaming Control Board regulations and filings.  Most would find this mundane, but by now, laws and regulations flow like children’s stories in my mind.  Anyway, I was reading over the temporary table games regulations, keep in mind that they are only temporary.  They are effective when passed by the board, but they are not officially finalized.  The lack of finalization allows the Pa GCB to accept comment on the regulations and revise them accordingly before they are finalized.  (At least I’m pretty sure this is the impetus behind it.)

The regulations are full of interesting rules that really stick out.  Most are mundane facts in regards to the procedures that control the dropping and filing of the money from the table games.  Before I go any further, I should mention that PA took the very non-inventive approach of almost completely copying the NJ regulations.  In the gaming industry, the NJ regulations are not necessarily the norm though.  Therefore, as for the comments and suggestions the casinos themselves submitted to the board, the casinos were most critical of the regulations that were arbitrarily in place in NJ, but lacking in a majority of other gaming-approved states.

I will not bore any readers with what some of those differences are, but I just wanted to point out a few parts of the regulations which caught my attention.  Let me first say that I have been in more casinos than I would admit to and also take note of all the “behind the scenes” aspects.  One of those being chip colors.  Most people do take note of this also, but I take note of the chip colors of the ones I wished I also had ($500, $1000, $5000, etc.).

Most casinos are fairly standard on the denominations up to $1000 and then after that vary.  The PA regulations have colors required of chips up to $5000.  Mind you, these are required under the temporary regulations and are likely to be the standard because casinos have the chips printed already and will be unable to just order a changed color.  Most people have seen the standard colors of Blue/White for $1, Red for $5, Green for $25, Black for $100, and purple for $500.  The more elusive chip though is the $1000 chip.  In most casinos, this chip is the color yellow, which has earned it the colloquial title of “banana.”  I assure you that you are highly unlikely to see these at any poker table you will be playing at.  If you have, you are probably not reading this blog because you are playing the 10/20 and up NL games in Vegas.

Anyway, they are a nice chip to have, but the interesting part is that PA regulations require them to be the mysterious and exciting color of “fire orange.”  WTF?  If this is still the required color, I can’t wait to see these chips in all their “fire orange” glory.  They will probably be just basic orange.  Why am I on this tangent you ask?  Well, the funny part of regulations is that they are usually mundane and basic and the other colors are the standard in the industry but somehow this color slipped in.  And not just any orange, “fire orange.”  Apparently I am not the only one who was puzzled by the color, as a few casinos wrote to the board inquiring as to exactly what is “fire orange”?

The insertion of that intriguing color reminds me of a scene from “Fight Club.” (Please skip to below if you have not seen the movie, or go out and rent it right now)  The scene is where Edward Norton is at work and he comments on the boss wearing his “cornflower blue” tie today and how it must be his good day because he is wearing his cornflower blue tie and how his boss loves that color.  The scene ends by the boss requesting that the new program being presented can have the icon in “cornflower blue.”  This is what I imagined what happened at the regulation meeting at the GCB concerning what color to make the chips.

“So, just the standard colors for the chips right Bob?”

“Joe, how about we make the $1000 chip Fire Orange!”

Joe, staring quizzically back at Bob, “Fire Orange it is Bob.”

Well, you probably want to shoot yourself after reading that, but if you got a laugh out of it, continue to read below.

The other regulation which has caught a lot of slack is the one requiring that when a poker player leaves the table for any temporary period of time, the floor of the poker room is required to cover the chips with a non-transparent cover or count the chips of the player while leave and returning to ensure they are all there.  As you imagine, this is basically impracticable.  No casino does this in practice and I am unsure where PA came up with this.  It also puts the casino in an awkward position where the floor could be accused of theft if the player comes back and says that the floor miscounted, etc., etc.  Realistically, the safeguards are already in place (surveillance, dealers keeping eye on chips, other players at table seeing chips.)

Casinos feel the same way obviously and let the board know this through numerous letters filed with them.  I am curious to see if this regulation is finalized and if it is, if the casinos will actually put it to practice.  I TRULY hope not, as it is nonsensical and would become a burden if you just want to leave the table to go have a smoke, walk around after a bad beat, etc.  When I finally get to talk to the poker room manager in charge at the Rivers, I will be sure to inquire if this is going to be the case or if the regulation was changed.

Last, as related to chips, there was a report that the Meadows new casino chips will have radio frequencies installed in them.  This is quite interesting and an expensive deterrent against sophisticated crime against the casino.  They are nearly 2.55 a piece, meaning the chips will cost the casino nearly $500,000.

Buckle Up, July 8th – Weeeee!!!

The PA Gaming Control Board just released an announcement today stating that the public start date for table games in Western PA will be July 8th. The center state casinos will be waiting until the 13th and the eastern part of the state casinos will have to wait until the 18th! See, for once, it does pay off to live on this side of the state.

The state’s plan for the Meadows, Rivers, and Presque Isle Downs is to do a test date on July 6th involving groups of gaming board members, analyzing said results on July 7th, and if the board is satisfied with the results, allowing the casinos to open on the 8th.

So, players, get your bankrolls ready and prepare yourselves to save on gas because table games are coming in exactly four weeks!!!

Back on Track

Well, it has been a long time since I have last posted, but I have had to contest with what many of us poker players call “Real Life.” Over the past three weeks I had to shut out the poker world so that I may finish my last semester of finals strong and complete what is necessary for my graduate degree. Now it is time to test the job market, which is not so friendly right now. So, now more than ever, it is imperative for me to make every right move at the table to ensure that I am growing the bankroll and allowing myself the ability to pay bills out of it. It may be a couple of months before I can lock down a steady, well-paying job. In the meantime, it appears as a blessing that table games should be here in less than two months and I should be able to make some decent cash at the Rivers.

I must apologize to any of those who are out there reading for my lack of updates. Now that finals are behind me, I intend to be more diligent with my updates. The other side of the coin is that there just hasn’t been much going on in Pittsburgh poker news. Other than the dog & pony show that was the Rivers casino license hearing, there hasn’t been much to report.

The word on the street appears to be July, although no official announcement has been made by the GCB yet and no word on whether we are looking at early or late July. I expect an early July start to correspond with Independence Day. Fortunately, I have a good friend receiving table games dealer training at the Rivers right now, so if he gives me any gossip, I will be sure to pass the word along. As far as the quality of dealers to expect, he stated that many of the female dealers are quite remarkable, so this is definitely a positive to look forward to. On the other hand, he said that many of the dealers-to-be aren’t exactly Einsteins, so expect some delay in that count to 21 to begin with.

Either way, everybody with any interest in table games is going to welcome the opening of them at the Rivers and Meadows with open arms. Yours truly included.

Rivers Casino Begins Dealer School

Just saw a report on the news talking about the Rivers finally starting their dealer school. I say it is about time as Meadows is already ahead in that department.

I think Rivers is running a raw deal though in that they have set individuals up for dealer school, but that does not guarantee job placement. Now, understandably, you would not want to keep someone that proved to be a terrible dealer. However, I would think you could still let them go if that turned out to be the case.

To allow the casino an “out” by saying that employment was never guaranteed in the first place allows for too many arbitrary employment decisions to be made in my opinion.

The little bit of footage on WPXI did bring a smile to my face as I saw some of the fresh dealers beginning to cut stacks for the first time. As all frequent live poker players will attest to, this is one of the first things you begin to do, not only to entertain yourself, but to make professional looking bets out of your stack.

Anyway, I am sure there are a few poker players sprinkled into that crowd that are way above everyone in that training and must be feeling some frustration at already knowing must of the technique and rules of the game that they will be teaching. They must be thinking “give me my certificate already.” I know I damn well would.