Professions At The Poker Table

Well, at the moment, I am like 10% of other Americans and am currently unemployed.  There is a lot of white noise and discussion that fills the void hours in between hands at the poker table.  Often, a lot of that discussion turns to jobs and employment of various players.  I usually make a mental note of the various professions of those that around me.  One thing I have noted is that there are a lot of players who are self-employed.  I wonder the corollary between the spirit of a poker player and a small business owner.  I think the risk element is surely there.  And maybe that is what appeals to a lot of those business owners.  The chance to have a little controlled risk but not too much.  Is that what we all crave as poker players though?

Anyway, the only reason I mention it is because I grew up in a family business and always have that entrepreneurial spirit bugging me inside.  I just can’t pull the trigger though on putting my own business into the works.  It’s frustrating.  I can risk X amount on a bankroll trying to make it as a player at the table yet I can’t just put some seed money into a business field that has proven success (my family as evidence) on my own.  I think the educational background of my previous three years has made me truly risk-adverse where I wasn’t before.  Additionally, that same question made me begin to question who was truly in control of my decisions, my heart or mind.

I just need to get back that not give a fu** attitude that I used to have and risk it all once again.  Then I can quell the jealousy and regret I feel when I talk to others at the table who took the extra step that I was unable to.  Well, before, I get too damn personal for shit that no one even cares to hear I will cut this short.

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