Did Momma Say There Would Be Days Like This?

Well some days are good and some days go like this.

Hero was down to about $160.  He couldn’t hit a flop and/or draw.  Everything was looking dim for him but he remained patient.  All of a sudden he starts hitting.  He is winning small ball pots left and right.  He has won about 7 of 10 of the last pots.  His stack is a little over $300 now and he is feeling good.  He finds A-7 off in early position and decides to see a flop.  He doesn’t usually play weak aces but hey, he has been running well.  There is a raise to $11 from late position and 6 take the flop.  The running well continues with a flop of A-Q-7 rainbow.  The hero decides his image is pretty aggressive and shitty since the recent run he has been on.

He decides to lead for $60.  Hero reels in the perfect bait.  Villain is a tight player who loves to pick off bluffs and has about $600 in front of him.  Villain hasn’t lost what seems a hand all night.  Villain either raises if he has a strong hand or calls if he is looking to break off a well timed bluff.  Villain flats the $60.  The turn is a pretty 4 completing the rainbow.  Hero decides based on the player he is facing, maximum value can be achieved here by overbetting the pot.  Hero pushes.  Villain immediately tanks and flounders in the tank for about 5 minutes.  Hero then holds his cards out like he is ready to toss them in to Villain’s fold.  Villain doesn’t like this.  He decides he has had enough of Hero’s theatrics.  Villain is going to make the Hero call.  Yay Hero is thinking until a dirty Queen peels off on the River.  Hero knows before Villain even shows his cards.  Hero tables his hand in disgust and begins to get up to leave while Villain tables A-9 off for the 6 out River winner.  Puke.

Sorry for the bad beat story.  Just tough to handle tonight after a long and frustrating 6 hr session.

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