Vegas In T-6 Hours

I will be in Vegas in less than 6 hours. I can’t wait. I definitely have some bankroll recovery to do so it will be nice to finally have some extremely soft games to play.

2/5 in Vegas in basically the equivalent of an ATM for those who have never been. The Bellagio as a matter of fact is the king of ATM’s when it comes to Vegas.

Anyway, I hate to use the blog as a point to brag, but hey, I’m paying good money for this trip. My goal for the trip has already been stated and I’m going to work damn hard to make it. The simple fact is that this trip is all business, that business being poker. I have had all my fun trips and I’m all entertained out. I’ve eaten my way through Vegas as well. I have scouted out pretty much every 2/5 game through trial and error on my past trips. So, this is my opportunity to take down the marks I have already set up. We’ll only see how it goes. I plan on making posts from Vegas, but since free Wi-Fi is as absent as water out there, I’m not sure how successful I will be.

One Response to “Vegas In T-6 Hours”

  1. tim Says:

    good luck out there. From my experience, I view them to be pretty soft out there as well. My favorite is staying sober then buying in at 1/2 game around 1 am. Right around when the tables are heavy and the players start to get tired and drunk. Easy pickings….

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